How to Grow Spider Lily Bulbs

Grow Guide #3021
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Binomial name: Hymenocallis x festalis
Life Cycle: Perennial

This 'How to Grow' guide details everything a home gardener needs to know to plant, grow and care for Spider Lilies (Hymenocallis x festalis).



Spider lily bulbs are best grown in full sun. Choose a location that will receive at least 6 hours of full sun each day.

Spider lily bulbs are perennial, meaning they live for several years. Choose a permanent position where plants can grow undisturbed and they will form attractive clumps. 

A loose, well drained soil enriched with organic matter will help Spider lily bulbs flourish. Prepare soil by weeding it thoroughly, digging it over to at least a spade’s depth to loosen the soil, and adding well-aged animal manure or compost. Organic matter can be dug into heavy soil to lighten it so roots can grow freely.

Spider lily bulbs can be grown in containers. Use a good quality potting mix and make sure your container is large enough for mature plants; a minimum of 20 litres is recommended for Spider lilies. During the growing season, keep in mind that container grown plants may need additional fertiliser to encourage healthy growth.

How to Grow Spider Lily Bulbs

Spider lilies should be planted directly in their final position in the garden or in a container.

Plant in spring after the danger of frost has passed.

  1. Plant individual bulbs 20-40cm apart.
  2. Plant 10-15cm deep with the tip pointing upwards. This helps keep the top growing point of the bulb dry and free of disease.
  3. Cover with soil and water in well.

Spider lily plants may need watering during the growing season. Water when the soil is dry about 5cm below the surface (test this by scratching away a little soil with your finger). Water deeply in the early morning or late afternoon. Avoid watering the leaves of plants to avoid fungal diseases. Learn more about watering here.

If soil was well prepared, no extra fertiliser should be necessary as bulbs store all the energy needed to bloom from the previous year's growth. In poor soil, or to give your plants an extra boost, an application of a high-potassium fertiliser or one formulated for flowering plants can be beneficial:

  • apply slow release fertiliser at the recommended rate when the first shoots emerge, OR
  • apply liquid fertiliser at the recommended rate and frequency when the first shoots emerge.

After flowering, fertilise bulbs with blood and bone or aged or pelletised chicken manure and water in well.

Spider lily plants should flower in approximately 120-180 days. Bulbs that have been left to naturalise for several years often produce more flowers per stem than newly planted bulbs.

Deadhead or cut off Spider lily flowers regularly during the growing season. Removing old flowers regularly will direct the plant's energy back into the bulb rather than into the production of seeds.

Leave foliage to die down naturally after flowering; the bulb will absorb the nutrients in the leaves and use them to form the flowers for next season. Once all foliage has died down use sharp secateurs or snips to cut individual leaves at ground level.

In cold climates with regular frosts, bulbs should be protected with a heavy mulch in winter.

Spider lily bulbs can remain in the ground for several years without the need to lift and divide them. Mulching over summer can help protect the bulbs from very hot temperatures. Bulbs can be lifted if they become overcrowded, or to move them to a different location in the garden.

If you wan to lift dormant Spider lily bulbs, use a garden fork to lift the bulbs from the soil, taking care not to damage them. Prune off any dead leaves still attached to the bulb. Store bulbs in a cool, dry space on a wire rack or in a bag that allows good airflow, such as one made from netting. Temperatures around 20 degrees are ideal for storage; exposure to hot temperatures (over 30 degrees) may affect the viability of the bulbs. Bulbs can be replanted the following season in line with the planting chart above.

Common Problems when Growing Spider Lilies

Like all plants, spider lily is susceptible to some pests, diseases and other problems. Below is a list of the most common problems gardeners encounter when growing spider lily plants:

  • Flower bulb rot
    Rotten bulbs or corms are caused by pathogens entering bulbs or corms after sitting in cold, wet soil, being temporarily waterlogged or being exposed to warm temperatures in winter. They may show obvious signs of rot, have no roots or shoots, or produce stunted yellow leaves but no flowers. Plant bulbs and corms in free-draining soil, raised garden beds or containers; do not water while dormant; and lift and store them if recommended for your climate.
  • Slugs and Snails
    Slugs and snails are molluscs that feed on tender leaves and shoots, mostly at night, leaving slimy trails behind them. Control them by removing their hiding places, keeping free range poultry, collecting them by torchlight or by placing traps. Read more about slugs and snails here.

Browse Spider Lily Bulbs

Spider Lily- White

Spider Lily- White

Bulb Each

